Thanks for all the amazing entries. We had a "whale" of a time looking through them.

Like so many millions of people around the world, we are also about to go into lockdown and will be looking for simple ways to keep our kids entertained. So we thought, why not share a few of our ‘special projects' with everyone with a chance to win some Emirates Team New Zealand gear. Keep checking back over the coming weeks for a few updated ideas

#1: Having detailed photos and videos of Te Aihe and Te Kahu is vital for the team. It helps them analyse the performance of the boats and where they can find improvements. We love the designs too, and think they really stand out.

This week, we’ve picked a few of our favourite pictures and stripped the colour out of them.

Have a go at colouring them in as creatively as you can, post the finished work here, and at the end of the week we will pick our favourite and the best one will win an Emirates Team New Zealand tee shirt.